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Creativing a Professional Book Cover File: The Ultimate Template

Join me if:

  • you've been designing covers for some time and feel that there must be an easier way to set guidelines, create cropped cover marketing images, check type safety compliance, and more
  • you want to learn how to set up a file professionally, whether you're experienced or just getting started in your design career

  • you want to walk step by step through creating a detailed template you can reuse for future projects and save yourself time

  • you're already using InDesign's three-page spread concept for your covers, but you want to learn how to take advantage of it more including how to anchor a background image to one side (such as the front cover) so it doesn't shift after a change in spine size and stays with that page if you pull apart the spread, set up type safety guides for multiple printers that resize, create dust jackets, and more

  • you want to learn how to put the features of Liquid Layout / Liquid Page Rules to use in a novel way to mark type safety

  • you want to get a handle on version dates and printer specifications

  • you just want to make me happy because you're cool like that :).
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